- Blog Post: Tellio's InterWeb Notes 09/27/2008 http://s3nt.com/s58 #
- Blog Post: Twitter Updates for 2008-09-26 http://s3nt.com/s7a #
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(continue reading &aquo;)12 Step Plan to getting engaged with social learning
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tags: isearch
haiku LMS : I-Search : Project Overview
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BIG 6 RESEARCH PROCESS I-search project check list
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Virtual Information Inquiry: I-SEARCH
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English Works! I-Search Paper Format Guide
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YouTube - Web Search Strategies in Plain English
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More than that, it has effected the way I read to learn. I recently finished reading John Dewey's Experience and Education. I decided, as a mnemonic and a way to help me move everything I read into long term memory swiftly, I would mentally construct an image that summarizes the content of each chapter.(continue reading &aquo;)Darren Kuropatwa's great blog post about flickr, visualization, and how to match them up. I think of this as beginning to use the tools in new ways, new wine in new bottles, not old. This is also what presenters advocate--visual not textual thinking. Apparently it is cognitively a better match up.
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(continue reading &aquo;)YouTube - Royksopp - Remind Me
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Clayton Barrel: Areva Commercial
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AREVA - Experts en énergie - Energy experts
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Song-Lyrics-Library: Pseudo Echo-Funky Town lyrics
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MLA in-text parenthetical citations
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MLA Parenthetical Documentation
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MLA Formatting and Style Guide - The OWL at Purdue
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(continue reading &aquo;)Flickr Photo Download: 09-22-08_0754
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High Gas Prices Are an Opportunity to Better Yourself
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The Economy: Drug Users Taking a Hit from High Gas Prices
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high gas prices - Google Scholar
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YouTube - Latest McCain Ad - Blames Obama For Rising Gas Prices
high-gas-prices.jpg (JPEG Image, 359x444 pixels)
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tags: citation, bibliography, reference, research, apa, writing, citations
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