Want to keep your job? Be happy. | csmonitor.com
- Research shows that an attitude of gratitude in trying times can not only help you keep your job, but get you the job you want.
- he characteristics of recession survivors and found that those who avoided being cut were cheerful, likable, generous contributors, and not necessarily the most skilled and proficient.
- don't be the guy who's always in a bad mood, reminding colleagues how vulnerable everyone is. Who wants to be in the trenches with him
- When productivity is in decline, Anderson says, other factors gain more value in the decisionmaking process about who stays and who goes.
- "If you stay positive, you'll have more influence on how things play out," advise Ms. Banks and Ms. Coutu.
- They say survivors and those who leverage layoffs to their advantage focus on anticipating the needs of customers and those above and below them inside the office.
- "If you are truly, truly miserable, even in a bad economy, you may be better off doing something else: taking a break, going back to school, or working part time. It's valid to ask ourselves: 'Do I enjoy this? Why am I here?' Reevaluate."
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.