Thursday, July 09, 2009


  • tags: no_tag

    • Does anyone else feel saturated? LOL! I'm saturated with great information, but not overflowing. I'm making decisions about the tools I'll use in my second grade classroom this year. So far, I've begun to use Twitter. We'll use this as a class to share our great AHA! moments with parents and our community. I've also started a class blog with a separate student account for students to reflect on their learning, much like I'm doing right now. You can read our class blog a

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Full Circle Associates » 4 Meta Skills for Learning Professionals

  • tags: teaching, circle

    • 1. Self Awareness:  I think we all have become much more aware of the tools of transformation in the classroom.
    • 2. Generosity:  To give of your time for another is the highest form of generosity.

    • 3. Humility:  I feel very humble in the face of all that these tools enable us to do.
    • 4. Willingness to Risk:  I don't think any of us wants to take a pratfall, yet here we all are gambling on the possibility we just might not know it all. 

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Twitter in Education

  • tags: Twitter, education, teensNtech

    • If you’ve spent much time in the blogosphere in the last six months you have likely heard about Twitter. I have mentally been writing this post for about ten days. I want to provide my critical review and share the pros and cons as I see them. I realized that many people have already covered the bulk of this information and I just found it unnecessary for me to fully cover this topic with my own original post. Therefore, here are a few BIG points that I briefly want to make followed by valuable resources to further pursue this topic.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.