5 Online Games That Teach Kids the Art of Persuasion | MindShift
Headless ds106ers, Stand Proudly! Some Disjointed Thoughts and Puny Data - CogDogBlog
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
3 Things That People With Good Habits Do Differently
Perhaps we can think of ourselves as 'gatekeep-peers'?
A very fine blog post below by Saskia Still that prompted more questions from her reflections. Very valuable.
Toyhacking and connected learning | Language Publics
Please share your words today. #slice2013 « TWO WRITING TEACHERS
Connect–I spent August connecting with other teachers nationwide. When August was over, I stopped. I miss it terribly and realize that while I am not great at connecting generally, I am good at being helpful. I will connect with those I already know through the channels I already have. I will connect with those I don’t know but follow. I will be helpful and grateful as my primary tools for connecting.