Saturday, January 17, 2009

2¢ Worth » A 2.0 Sort’a Day — Part 2: Learning 2.0

    • You see, what’s new, and cool, and so much in the spirit of 2.0 about this experience is that it is about conversation, and about conversation being turned into content.  It was easy to record Dan’s answers and the audio (and video) of the students’ questions.  But to have the students (and visitors) engaged in a parrellel, even subterranian conversation about what’s happening in the open air and to have that conversation available for later reference and work, seems extremely powerful to me.
    • Students are not being taught.  They aren’t learning to be taught.  They are learning to listen and respond, to sythesize and to share, read, work, and reword.
    More and more I am seeing this shift toward a “publish then filter” model. What this means is that we have to develop seamlessly easy methods for gathering in digital data, publishing data, and then figuring out ways to dip the cup into that data for discrete drinks. Tagging the data will be difficult especially in “river”-type audio and video feeds. Gather, filter, publish/produce: our new mantra. It seems to me that we are redefining what self-reflection means, too. Now we need to dip that cup into our own lifestream and we need to show ourstudents how to do this as well.
             To think a little further here:  what we are doing is turning the mind's black box inside out and remixing it with the world.  We are learning how to quantify what we do on a digital palette.  For example, my blog has become more of a "stream of web consciousness" than a place to post.  I still do both there, but now I am more interested in the clutter that has arisen in there from my social bookmarks, my twitter, my various shared feeds.  I am "publishing" in ways that are very different from the text way we are so used to.  With the advent of personal informatics we are creating our own idiosyncratic databases, our own 'examined lives".  Mine is very crudely realized, data hardly visualized at all, but take a look at Nicholas Felton's annual report on the state of Nicholas Felton

Is this a large part of where teaching is going?  Are we becoming fllter mentors?  Data concierges?  Are we becoming data points loosely joined?

I really like this idea at the college level, but am uncertain about its applicability for younger learners.
- post by tellio

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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