Saturday, June 27, 2009

PhD is just a bumpy road, sooner or later I’ll be there — Mathemagenic

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      • PhD is just a bumpy road, sooner or later I’ll be there

        by Lilia Efimova on July 23, 2004

        I knew that doing a PhD is about ups and downs, but it’s a kind of special fun to discover the bumpy road as you go along. This time it’s about mixed feelings of discovering a good paper…

        I’m reading A Confessional Account of an Ethnography About Knowledge Work by Ulrike Schultze (spotted it some time ago, but got a version only yesterday) and my feelings go everywhere between:

        • gut feeling of finding one of “the papers” that can make core foundations of my research
        • thinking “why the hell I didn’t find the paper a year ago?”
        • admiration of research done by someone else and a way of presenting it
        • loosing confidence thinking “I will never be able to do it that good”
        • happy insights and “aha!” moments – “now I know what to do!”
        • getting a bit down understanding how much time doing it will take
        • trying to get myself together “it’s just a bumpy road, sooner or later I’ll be there”…

        And I’m still in the middle of reading it :)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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